Committee on Climate Change
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The Committee on Climate Change was established under the Climate Change Act 2008. Its duties are to report to Parliament regarding the government's progress in meeting the Act's legally binding carbon budgets. It is responsible to the Department of Energy and Climate Change and National Authorities of Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland. The first progress report from the CCC was due to be published in September 2009.
See Framework Document [1].
Position on shale gas exploration in the UK
The CCC has a long-standing opposition to growth in the gas sector.
- ...well regulated production of shale gas could have economic benefits to the UK, in a manner consistent with our emissions targets, while reducing our dependence on imported gas."However, a dash for gas in the power sector is not necessary to realise any potential benefits [for the economy and climate], nor is it desirable given the importance of power sector decarbonisation.
- Chair - Lord Adair Turner.[1]
- John Krebs
The CCC website [2].