Atlantic Bridge
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The Atlantic Bridge is a conservative atlanticist organisation in the United Kingdom.
- To establish, and then develop rapidly, a strong, well-positioned, network of like-minded conservatives in politics, business, journalism and academe on both sides of the Atlantic.
- To develop new and relevant policy ideas, building on the common thinking which underpins the natural trans-Atlantic alliance between the UK and the USA;
- To publicise widely such policy initiatives and stimulate discussion of how best to develop them further.
- To establish a small board of advisers whose role would be to help oversee the expansion of the group. This expansion is a vital step in building the network that is essential to the overall aims of the group. The focus point of the group will be an ongoing series of bi-annual speaker dinners to be held in London and cities across the United States. These dinners will have three aims. Firstly, to allow potential members to get a better understanding about who we are and what the group does. Secondly, to discuss policy issues and disseminate information. Thirdly, to ensure that the network is in regular active contact and to prevent it from becoming stale.
- Liam Fox - MP, shadow cabinet
- Scott D. Syfert - lawyer with Parker, Poe, Adams & Bernstein
- Gabrielle Bertin - former equity trader at BNPParibas who worked as a researcher for Liam Fox on the Atlantic Bridge project, funded by Pfizer. She also does occasional work for Parker, Poe, Adams & Bernstein. More recently she bacame an advisor to David Cameron
- Patrick Minford - Professor of Economics, Daily Telegraph columnist.