Oil and Gas UK

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Twenty-pound-notes.jpg This article is part of the Lobbying Portal, a sunlight project from Spinwatch.

Oil & Gas UK is the lead lobbying group for the UK offshore oil industry. It was set up 2007.


Calling itself the "voice of the UK offshore industry" Oil & Gas UK states that "influencing governments and policy makers is an important part of Oil & Gas UK’s day to day work." It provides ongoing support for the Oil and Gas Groups at Holyrood and Westminster. [1]


According to its website:

Membership is open to all companies active in the UK continental shelf, from super majors to large contractor businesses and from independent oil companies to SMEs working in the supply chain.

It is run on a non-profit basis.



Contact, Resources and Notes


6th Floor East
Portland House
Bressenden Place
London SW1E 5BH
Phone:020 7802 2400
Email: info@oilandgasuk.co.uk



  1. Government Relations, Oil & Gas UK website, undated, acc 27 February 2013
  2. Register Of All-Party Groups [as at 1 February 2013 www.parliament.uk, accessed 27 February 2013