American Friends of the Jonathan Institute

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The American Friends of the Jonathan Institute was created in New York City in 1977 to support the Israel based Jonathan Institute a think tank created by Benjamin Netanyahu and named after his brother Jonathan Netanyahu.[1] It continues to exist (in 2011), though the Jonathan Institute appears to be defunct. Its mission statement stated its orientation:

American friends of the Israel Defense Force whose objective is the support and encouragement of educational & cultural activities aimed at increasing public awareness of jewish history, the values of judaism, the role of the state of israel as the spiritual center of the jewish people, the dynamics of conflict & peace in the middle east and the origin of the potential solutions for acts of terrorism in the world.[1]


Jay Zises, Chairman circa 2009, 2010, 2011[2]

Officers and Trustees circa 2008/9 and 2009/10

Julius Berman | Kenneth Bialkin | Samuel Eisenstat, Secretary | Marvin Josephson | Alfred Mackler (Deceased March 2000), Treasurer | Jay Zises, President | Selig Zises [3][4]


  1. 1.0 1.1 Guidestar American Friends of the Jonathan Institute, accessed 31 August 2012
  2. Form 990 American Friends of the Jonathan Institute, 2008-9, received 20 May 2009, (Login required).
  3. Form 990 American Friends of the Jonathan Institute, 2009-10, received 17 May 2010, (Login required).
  4. Form 990 American Friends of the Jonathan Institute, 2010-11, received 3 August 2011, (Login required).