Guernsey Finance

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Guernsey Finance is a joint initiative between the financial services industry and the Government of Guernsey to "defend and promote the long term reputation, stability and development of Guernsey as an international centre of excellence for financial services".[1]


According to the Financial Times in January 2012, Guernsey is among the offshore centres currently on a marketing mission to attract hedge fund managers, hoping 'to benefit from the interest in moving domicile' – triggered by the wave of regulation after the global financial crisis, such as The European Union’s Alternative Investment Fund Managers (AIFM) directive.

Guernsey, for example, is emphasising its position outside the EU. In a report for ClearPath Analysis, Fiona Le Poidevin, deputy chief executive of Guernsey Finance, the promotional agency for the island’s industry, says this enables it to “offer a less prescriptive regime for funds not touching this marketplace and yet, access to the continent will be retained both in the medium and long term thereby allowing the island to continue servicing structures with a connection to Europe”. [2]



Guernsey Information Centre Building, North Plantation, St Peter Port, Guernsey GY1 3PN


  1. About, Guernsey Finance, accessed Dec 2011
  2. Pauline Skypala, It may be time to see ‘offshore’ off Financial Times, 15 January 2012,acc 18 January 2012