George Weidenfeld

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Born in Vienna, George Weidenfeld left Austria for England in 1938. During World War II he worked with the BBC Overseas Service, mainly as News Commentator on European Affairs, and in 1945 founded the publishing firm, Weidenfeld & Nicolson, with Nigel Nicolson. In 1949 he became Political Advisor and Chef de Cabinet in Israel to Dr. Chaim Weizmann, and spent a year in this capacity before returning to Britain and publishing. [1] Writing for the New Statesmen in 2002, Dennis Sewell claimed that Weidenfeld, 'a serious operator at the level of government, editors and media proprietors', often used his influence to try and prevent critical media coverage of Israel. Cite error: Closing </ref> missing for <ref> tag



  1. Institute for Strategic Dialogue, Trustees, accessed 31 March 2009
  2. Institute for Strategic Dialogue, Trustees, accessed 31 March 2009