Corporations - Web of Influence
What they do/who they are, type of business, size, location,
Origins, details of significant mergers/acquisitions Details of significant brands, and market share
Chief executive, board members, key people linked to the company or brand
Political Connections
Political Connections, Membership of policy groups and relationships with policy makers, Politicians, Political Donations or endorsements, Revolving door between corporation and government
Membership of Trade Associations, Industry Groups, Front Groups, Professional bodies, charitable foundations
Lobbying & PR
Firms used, Issues lobbied on, support from other corporations/ industries
Corporate Social Responsibility
CSR Initiatives, philanthropy, charitable donations or trusts
Any controversial activities, particularly in relation to
Other businesses owned
Media Influence Organisations
Support form media organisations, or groups, any relevant publications originating from the corporation, providing support or criticising itds work
Other Resources
Other interesting profiles or articles on the individual
Contact details should only be listed if details are already publicly available
All sources used should be referenced according to the house style which can be found here Powerbase:A Guide to Referencing