Lansons Communications

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Lansons Communications, 24a St John Street, London, EC1M 4AY


Lobbying clients as of 31 August 2011

ConnectPlus | Conserve the Chilterns and Countryside | Debt Managers Standards Association (DEMSA)| Employers Forum on Age | Employers Forum on Belief | Finance & Leasing Authority | Financial Services Authority | Friends Life | Home Instead | Hutchinson Ports | JP Morgan | MBNA | Owen James | Paypal | Peto | RBS Insurance | Royal London | Save our Savers | Scottish Life | Solar Capital | Isle of Man Government [1]



24a St John Street, London, EC1M 4AY



  1. APPC Register, accessed 6 October 2011
  2. Richard Hobbs, linkedin, acc 23 November 2011