Chime Communications Plc

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Chime is the holding company for the UK's biggest Public Relations Group, Bell Pottinger Communications, it has 89 subsidiary companies. Around twenty percent of chime is owned by WPP. The business consists of four divisions; public relations, advertising and marketing, sports marketing and insight and engagement. Chime works with over 600 major UK and international brands, governments, pharmaceutical and healthcare companies, charities, not-for-profit organisations, professional service firms and wealthy celebrities.

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Chime was established in 1989 by Lord Tim Bell who had been deputy chairman of Lowe Howard-Spink & Bell plc since leaving Saatchi & Saatchi in 1985. [1]

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Board of Directors

Lord Tim Bell - Chairman | Piers Pottinger - Deputy Chairman | Christopher Satterthwaite - Group Chief Executive | Mark Smith - Financial Director | Richard Alston Director | Catherine Bradley Director | Paul Richardson Director | Rodger Hughes Director {{Template: Foodspin badge]]


Major clients include:


Bell Pottinger Business & Brand | Bell Pottinger Communications USA LLC | Bell Pottinger Change and Internal Communications | Bell Pottinger Issues & Crisis | Bell Pottinger Middle East | Bell Pottinger - MMK | Bell Pottinger North | Bell Pottinger Public Affairs | Bell Pottinger Public Relations | Bell Pottinger Sans Frontières | Bell Pottinger USA | Bell Pottinger Public Advocacy | BMT | brand democracy | Corporate Citizenship | De Facto | Essentially | Facts International | Fast Track | Fast Track Sailing | Full Access Hospitality | Good Relations | Good Relations Wales | Golden Goal | Harvard | Harvard Germany | Icon | Icon Beta | Insight Marketing | Naked Eye | Open Health | Open LEC | Open Minds | Open Source | Opinion Leader | Pelham Bell Pottinger | Pelham Bell Pottinger Asia | pmplegacy | Pure Media | Rare Corporate Design | Resonate | Reynolds Mackenzie | Search Relations | SFW | SomeOne | Sportseen | Stuart Higgins Communications | Teamspirit | The Sports Business | Traffic Communications | Tree London | tta Group | VCCP (Vallance Carruthers Coleman Priest) | VCCP Blue | VCCP Share | VCCP Health | VCCP Search [2]

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  1. Chime Communications, Our Board of Directors, Tim Bell accessed 12th December 2011
  2. Chime Communications, Our Companies accessed 12th December 2011