Gabriel Milland

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Twenty-pound-notes.jpg This article is part of the Lobbying Portal, a sunlight project from Spinwatch.

Gabriel Milland is head of news at the UK's Department for Education (DfE). He is a former Daily Express political correspondent and was most recently head of news at the Tory leaning think tank Policy Exchange. Before that he was head of media at the Britain Israel Communications and Research Centre. [1]


Milland took up his job at the DfE in September 2011. According to PR Week:

The head of news role has grown to include oversight of speechwriting and internal comms, due to a restructuring in the comms division that reduces senior management roles and takes the number of teams from five to three. The job was advertised as including these responsibilities.
A DfE spokeswoman said: ‘There was a strong competition for this post and the best candidate was appointed on merit. All civil servants have to comply with the Civil Service Code, which includes political impartiality.’

Milland will report to James Frayne and will oversee a press office of 15. This is likely to increase once DfE takes on responsibility for press work for its new executive agencies the Teaching Agency, the Education Funding Agency and the Standards and Testing Agency.[1]


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