Stephen Crouch

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Stephen Crouch is chairman of Carmarthen West and South Pembrokeshire Conservative Association and lives in Redberth, near Tenby. The website of local Conservative MP Simon Hart states: " A veteran of a number of Conservative Westminster campaigns around the UK, Stephen is currently working in the Middle East, particularly in Iraq as an advisor to governmental, non-governmental, and economic institutions."[1]

Iraqi British Interests Group

Crouch was part of a British delegation to Iraq which caused embarrassment to the government in 1995, when this colleague Edmund Sykes, head of the Iraqi British Interests Group called for an easing of sanctions.[2]

Northern Iraq Medical Project

MP Emma Nicholson referred to Crouch in the following parliamentary question which was answered on 10 May 1995:

Northern Iraq
Miss Emma Nicholson: To ask the Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs (1) what monitoring was carried out of the expenditure of Overseas Development Administration assistance through Cornish-Kurdish Medical Aid and its temporary agent Mr. Stephen Crouch for a medical project in northern Iraq;
(2) if he will seek a report on the expenditure of the funds made available to Cornish-Kurdish Medical Aid for a medical project in northern Iraq.

Mr. Baldry [holding answer 28 April 1995]: In June 1991 ODA made a payment of £12,855 to Cornwall Kurdish Medical Aid. This reimbursed against detailed documentation the cost of medical supplies and personal effects for 17 volunteers provided by the non-governmental organisation as part of the 165-member ODA team in northern Iraq at that time.

Miss Emma Nicholson: To ask the Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs what monitoring was carried out of the expenditure of Overseas Development Administrator's assistance by the Kurdish Relief Organisation and its associate Mr. Stephen Crouch for a medical project in northern Iraq. [21707]
Mr. Baldry [holding answer 28 April 1995]: Physical monitoring of ODA assistance to Kurdish relief agencies in northern Iraq in 1991 and 1992 was carried out by visits from British embassy officials based in Ankara. In addition, the agencies submitted written reports to the ODA.[3]

Tony Buckingham donation

In 2010, Crouch secured a 5,000 donation to Hart from mercenary boss Tony Buckingham, according to This is South Wales:

Carmarthen West and South Pembrokeshire Tory MP Simon Hart said the donation had come through the constituency's former chairman Stephen Crouch, who was not available for comment.
The MP said he did not know Mr Buckingham personally but the party's safeguards were a sufficient enough check on donors.[4]



  1. Team Members, Simon Hart MP, accessed 19 October 2011.
  2. Michael Sheridan, Red faces over Iraq comment, Independent, 22 February 1995.
  3. House of Commons Hansard Debates for 10 May 1995,, accessed 20 October 2011.
  4. Alex Smith, Ex-mercenary force boss gives to Tories, This is South Wales, 27 August 2010.
  5. Current Management, SACOR3D, accessed 20 October 2011.