Beam Global Spirits and Wine

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Alcohol badge.jpg This article is part of the Spinwatch public health oriented Alcohol Portal project.

Beam Global Spirits & Wine UK is a subsidiary of Fortune Brands. Fortune Brands business interests are spread across two main sectors, spirits and home security. [1] Beam Global own a number of internationally recognised spirit brands Jim Beam bourbon, Courvoisier cognac, Laphroig a prestigious Islay scotch whisky,and Sauza tequila are just some of the brands owned by the multinational. [2] In 2011 Beam Global signed up the the UK Department of Health's Public Health Responsibility Deal and within this network are Signatories to Responsibility Deal Alcohol Network Labelling Pledge as part of their commitment to the Responsibility Deal Alcohol Network [3]



  1. Fortune Brands Our Brands accessed 18th September 2011
  2. Fortune Brands Our Brands accessed 18th September 2011
  3. Department of Health Core Commitments to Responsibility Alcohol Network accessed 8th September 2011