California Theocratic Right-Wing

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'California Theocratic Right-Wing' a chart produced in the early 1990s by the Tocsin Project

Chart contents


Howard F. Ahmonson Jr. | Edward G. Atsinger III | Jo Ellen Allen | Scott Baugh | Jeff Coors | Joe Coors | James Dobson | John Doolittle | Matt Fong | Newt Gingrich | Roland Hinz | Rob Hurtt Jr. | Jack Kemp | Charles Koch | David Koch | Ron Linz | Dan Lundgren | Tom McClintock | Howard Phillips | Ralph Reed | Richard A. Riddle | Pat Robertson | Mark Rushdoony | Andrea Sheldon | Beverly Sheldon | Rev. Louis Sheldon | Steve Sheldon | Wilbert Smith | John Stoos | Randy Tomasson | Paul Weyrich | Pete Wilson |


Aryan Nation | California Independent Businesses PAC | Capitol Resource Institute | Chalcedon Inc. | Charismatic Council on Theology | Christian Manifesto | Citizens for Excellence in Education | Claremont Institute | Coalition on Revival | Community Impact Group Seminars | Concerned Women for America | Container Supply Co. | Council for National Policy | Crosswinds Magazine | Focus on the Family | Free Congress Foundation | Heritage Foundation | John Birch Society | National Association of Religious Broadcasters | National Empowerment TV | Reason Foundation | Rutherford Institute | Salem Communications | Traditional Values Coalition | United States Justice Foundation | Wall Street Analytics Inc. | Western Center for Law and Religious Freedom | Young Americans for Freedom | Young Republicans Federation |

