Student Academics For Academic Freedom

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Student Academics For Academic Freedom is an offshoot of Academics For Academic Freedom and, as such, is associated with the libertarian anti-environmental LM network.

It was launched in 2007 by Richard Reynolds and its administrators include Dennis Hayes and Andy Jones. Reynolds set the group up in response to student campaigns to oust controversial lecturers and to the National Union of Students' policy of refusing to give a platform to groups such as the British National Party and fundamentalist Islamic organisations.[1]

Overturning the 'No Platform' Policy at the University of East Anglia

In October 2007 an offshoot of AFAF, called Student Academics for Academic Freedom created a motion to overturn the NUS policy of 'no platform for fascists'. The motion was carried and Richard Reynolds, the student who set the group up argued that 'I am delighted that the motion was passed. We should be taking racists on in debate rather than trying to hush them up', he described the view that ethnic minority and gay students needed to be protected from those with racist and homophobic views as 'patronising'.[2]

Dennis Hayes welcomed the motion arguing that 'It represents a sea change in the attitudes of students unions'. NUS president Gemma Tumelty said of the decision that 'Our primary concern is the safety of our members, many of whom are foreign nationals or from black and ethnic minority communities. The NUS believes the right to freedom of expression must not be separated from, or take precedence over, the right to freedom from oppression'.[3]


Facebook: SAFAF


  1. Melanie Newman, Debate rages despite 'advice', Times Higher Education Supplement, 16-March-2007
  2. Melanie Newman, Free Speech Wins the Day, The Time Higher Education Supplement, 26-October-2007
  3. Melanie Newman, Free Speech Wins the Day, The Time Higher Education Supplement, 26-October-2007