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Capita is the UK's largest business process outsourcing company headquartered in London, with an overall market share of 27% in 2009. It has clients in central government, local government and the private sector.

Health sector

According to the Health Service Journal: "As English public services enter the so-called “golden age of outsourcing”, nobody will be more influential [than Capita CEO Paul Pindar]. A rash of acquisitions and contract wins, some of which Mr Pindar took a close interest in, mean Capita now has a sizeable health business. [Pindar's] interest in the sector is underlined by his chairing of Great Ormond Street’s corporate partnerships board.

Pindar ranks 75th in the HSJ's top 100 most influential people in health 2010.[1]


Paul Pindar, Chief executive, Capita.


The Capita Group Plc
71 Victoria Street
London, SW1H 0XA

52 Horseferry Road
London, SW1P 2AF



  1. Health Service Journal, HSJ100 2010, 17 November, 2010 (subscription required)