Investigative Research 2011
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This page lists Investigative Research projects.
Group A
- Military propaganda/counter terrorism media and communication control
- Research Information and Communications Unit, Home Office (may have been closed by the Tories but lots to do on them - plenty of published material by them that we have already that needs analysed)
- Horizon Scanning and Response Team and Strategic Horizons Unit (also counter terror work - v little known about them, seems to be linked to 'Foresight'
- Directorate of Targeting and Information Operations
- 15 (UK) Psychological Operations Group
- Joint Services Intelligence Organisation Wikileaks disclosures suggests behind UK torture training.
- Mod Manual of Security/MoD information control. Manual leaked via Wikileaks.[1] Could be put together with other MoD docs on information control issued under FoI?
Group B
- The conservative movement. To include key elements of the movement as identified by Tim Montgomerie:
- Centre for Social Justice:
- Taxpayers Alliance: (Central to the undermining of the 'Spirit Level' (along with the Policy Exchange and Democracy Institute[2]
- Reform/Doctors for Reform/Reform Scotland - privatising the NHS
- International Policy Network -
- Migration Watch,
- Countryside Alliance
Group C
- Obesity: Big Food and Big Pharma - Need proper look at the role of lobby groups on food and obesity and on the think tanks attacking public health
- Democracy Institute on Obesity
- National Obesity Forum
- Media Smart
- Change4Life and New Tory policy
- Advertising Education Forum/Food Advertising Unit - links with academics and govt
Group D
Healthcare reform
Group E
- The revolving door after last general election (destination of New Lab and origins of Con Dem SPADs).