Betsy McCaughey

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Elizabeth Betsy McCaughey is a policy analyst most widely known for writing a damaging "false"[1] and "error-laden"[2] negative critique of Hillary Clinton's 1990s healthcare reform proposals for the New Republic and more recently for spearheading the "Death Panel" controversy in the US.


  • Manhattan Institute - 1993-1994: John M. Olin FellowCite error: Closing </ref> missing for <ref> tag
  • Hudson Institute - 1999-2001: Senior fellow, 2002-present: Adjunct Senior Fellow/National Columnist[3]


  1. Michelle Cottle, "No Exit The never-ending lunacy of Betsy McCaughey.", The New Republic, 5 October 2009
  2. Conor Clark, "The Rise and Fall (and Rise) of Betsy McCaughey", The Atlantic, 29 July 2009
  3. Betsey McCaughey CV