Keep America Safe

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<youtube size="tiny" align="right" caption="KAS's Youtube channel is full of Fox News clips, but it has also produced some clips of its own.">bjUk7eP9svA</youtube> Launched in October 2009, Keep America Safe (KAS) is a neoconservative letterhead organization created by the daughter of Dick Cheney, Elizabeth Cheney, and neoconservative Fox News commentator, William Kristol. KAS pressure tactics aimed at US politicians are focused on the standard neoconservative agenda which includes lobbying American support for Israel and emphasizing terrorism as a constant threat that should be fought by the US asserting itself through military and financial warfare. KAS is noted for highlighting Dick Cheney's anti-Obama agenda to the American public and much of its campaigning is focused on pressuring politicians to adopt pro-Israel stances and policies.[1]


KAS mainly manifests itself through online lobbying campaigns aimed at building the appearance of widespread support for a chosen issue and magnifying the results of that campaign to the public and US politicians through through the media.

Key Principals



Right Web Profile



Keep America Safe
1718 M Street, NW #351
Washington, DC 20036
Telephone: (202) 525-4608


  1. Jim Lobe, 'Foreign Policy Hawks Launch New Campaign Against Obama' IPS, 13 October 2009
  2. Right Web Profile, accessed 19 July 2010.