Information Policy Unit

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Northern Ireland.jpg This article is part of SpinWatch's Northern Ireland Portal.
Information organisations in Northern Ireland in January 1972

The Information Policy Unit was a British Government propaganda unit operating in Northern Ireland from September 1971. It's first head was Col.Maurice Tugwell.

2.1 Lieutenant Colonel INQ 1873 was sent to Northern Ireland in October 1970 in order to run the Information Liaison Department. He was an expert in psychological operations in combat situations [Day 242/7] and was responsible for psychological operations in Northern Ireland under the direction of the CLF [Day 242/52]. In or about September 1971 the Information Liaison Department was disbanded and replaced by the Information Policy Unit.
2.2 Colonel Tugwell arrived in Northern Ireland on 30 August 1971 to become head of the Information Policy Unit. INQ 1873 was appointed his deputy. Tugwell said that he was sent to Northern Ireland at short notice because, so General Carver told him, there was a crisis in confidence about Army public relations [Day 240/60]. [1]

