The Climate Group
The Climate Group is a business lobby on climate change based in the UK. It is one of the NGO parties to the COP summits. It states:
- The Climate Group’s goal is to help government and business set the world economy on the path to a low-carbon, prosperous future. To reach this goal, we’ve created a coalition of governments and the world’s most influential businesses – all committed to tackling climate change. Through this coalition, we’re helping to set the targets, create the policies, build the confidence, and generate the political willpower needed to make the changes the world requires by 2050.[1]
Their list of members is impressively long and includes some of the largest Transnational Corporations such as PepsiCo, Dow Chemical, Barclays Bank, Coca Cola, BP, and Google.
The main headquarters of The Climate Group are its London offices. The group has offices in the United States in New York, California, and Washington. The Australia office is in Melbourne, and the China office is in Beijing. The organisation is as a registered company known as The Climate Group (Canada) and The Climate Group (Hong Kong) in each perspective areas.
The Climate Group was co-founded by CEO Steve Howard and Chief Operating Office Jim Walker. It was incorporated November 14, 2003, and officially launched in 2004 with the support of former Prime Minister Tony Blair.[2]
Funding and finances
The Climate Group is the trading name of the UK registered company. The group is registered under the Charity Commission as The Climate Change Organisation. The Climate Change Organisation Serives Limited was started in May of 2007, and it carries out trading services for the charity.[3]
The Climate Change Organisation, the charity name of The Climate Group, is charity number 1102909, and registered company number 4964424.
Charity Trustees & Company Directors: J. Coomber(Chair), S. Archibald, R. Crossley, D. Gregson, C. Heaton, M. Anderson.
Company Secretary: Dr. S. Howard
Leadership Council: The Lord Browne of Madingley(Chair), Dr. Sultan Al Jaber, Cesio Antonio Balbo, Thor Bjorgolisson, John R. Coomber, Stephen Green, Susan Hockfield, James Murdoch, Boudewijn Poleman, Nikias Zennstrom, Sir Richard Branson, Sunil Bharti Mittal, Jim Rogers, Dr. SHI Zhengrong, Jeff Swartz, The Hon. John Thwaites, Jianzhou Wang, Yue Zhang.
The following organisations are members of The Climate Group: Arup, Austin Energy, Baker & McKenzie, Barclays Bank, Better Place, Bloomberg, BP, The Province of British Columbia, Broad Air Conditioning, British Sky Broadcasting, British Telecommunications, Cadbury, The State of California, Catalyst Paper, Cathay Pacific Airways,CB Richard Ellis Group, Inc., The City of Chicago, China Mobile, The Coca-Cola Company, Dell, Dow Chemical, Duke Energy, Florida Power & Light Group, Google, HDR, HSBC, IBM, Johnson & Johnson, JP Morgan Chase, Lenovo Group, Greater London Authority, The City of Los Angeles, Man Group, The Province of Manitoba, Marks & Spencer, The City of Miami, Munich Re, MWH, Nestle Waters North America, The State of New South Wales, The City of New York, The State of New York, News Corporation, Nike, The Province of Ontario, PepsiCo, Pratt Industries, The Province of Quebec, The State of Queensland, The State of South Australia, Standard Chartered Bank, Starbucks, Suntech, Swire Pacific, Swire Properties, Swiss Re, Target, Tesco, Timberland, The State of Victoria, Virgin Atlantic, Virgin, and The State of Western Australia.
UK Associates B&Q, Barclaycard, British Gas, Business in the Community, Church of England, Coca-Cola, Man Group, [[MORE TH>N]], MySpace, National Express, O2, Sky, Tesco, The Energy Saving Trust, The Government Acts on Co2 Campaign, The HSBC Climate Partnership, The Mayor of London, [[The National Trust, Warner Bros, WRAP, WWF, Your M&S.
US Associates Dell, Chase, Catalog Choice, ClimateCounts, Climate Savers, City of Boston, City of Chicago, City of Las Vegas, City of Los Angeles, City of Miami, City of New York, City of Seattle, Energy Star, Global Footprint Network, ICLEI, Lenovo, MTV, MercyCorps, Myspace, National Wildlife Federation, New American Dream, Nestle Water, News Corporation, The Nature Conservancy, Recyclebank, American Red Cross, Target, Timberland, TimeWarner.
Australian Associates Australia Post, GE, Green Wheels, ICLEI, Man Investments, NRMA Insurance, Origin, SGCI, SGIO, Sport 4 the Entertainment Ten, The Brotherhood of St. Laurence, The Climate Institute, Visy, Westpac.
2degrees, Business for Social Responsibiliy, CleanTech Network, Carbon Disclosure Project, GeSI, ICLEI, International Emissions Trading Association (IETA), Nrg4SD, UNDP, World Resource Institute, World Business Council for Sustainable Development.
Contact details, Resources, Notes
- Address:
- Phone:
- Fax:
- Website:
External Resources
- ↑ The Climate Group, "About The Climate Group", Climate Group Homepage. Accessed 12/02/09
- ↑ The Climate Group. “Annual Reports and Audited Accounts 2006-2007.” Available from [1] Accessed 4-05-09.
- ↑ The Climate Group. (2008) “Trustee’s Annual Reports to the Charity Commission.” June 30. Available from [2] Accessed 4-05-09.
- ↑ The Climate Group. (2008) “Trustee’s Annual Reports to the Charity Commission.” June 30. Available from [3] Accessed 4-05-09.
- ↑ The Climate Group. (2009) Members and Partners [4] Accessed 4-05-09