Musharraf Hussain al-Azhari

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Musharraf Hussain al-Azhari is the director of the Nottingham based Karimia Institute. He is also an advisor to the Quilliam Foundation.

His organisation, the Karimia Institute, states that it is focused on encouraging and promoting ‘moral, social and spiritual development through worship, education and recreation’, [1] but it has recently commenced a series of preventing violent extremism workshops aimed at boys aged from 10-14.[2]

Funding under Prevent

Al-Azhari's Karimia Institute has received a total of £100,000 of PVE Funding from 2009-2011. The purpose of this is to fight extremism and tackle radicalisation, but the police has become tarnished with allegations of a spying mechanism initiated by the government.


  1. About Us:, Karimia Institute, accessed 20 February 2010
  2. Stopping Young Muslims turn to Extremism, Nottingham Evening Post, 17 February 2010, accessed 20 February 2010