Patrick Basham

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Patrick Basham is the director of the London and Washington based think tank the Democracy Institute[1]. Basham is also the founding director of the Social Affairs Center at Canada’s Fraser Institute, and senior fellow with the Cato Institute’s Center for Representative Government[2]. Basham's role at the Fraser Institute involved publishing research on the subject of tobacco. The Fraser Institute have been accused of being a front group for the tobacco industry.


Fraser Institute | Cato Institute | Democracy Institute | Spiked | Social Affairs Unit


  • Patrick Basham, 2001, Assessing the term limits experiment, California and beyond, The Cato Institute
  • Patrick Basham, 2002, Does clean money make for competitive elections?: The failure of Maine's experiment with taxpayer financing of campaigns (Policy analysis)
  • Patrick Basham, 2002, This is reform?: Predicting the impact of the new campaign financing regulations, Cato Institute
  • Patrick Basham 2003, Defining democracy down: Explaining the campaign to repeal term limits
  • John Luik, Patrick Basham & Gio Gori, 2006, Diet Nation: Exposing the Obesity Crusade, Social Affairs Unit
  • Patrick Basham, 2009, Butt Out! How Philip Morris Burned Ted Kennedy, the FDA & the Anti-Tobacco Movement, Democracy Institute
  • Patrick Basham and John Luik, 2010, A Bleary-Eyed Attitude to Alcohol Research, Spiked Online


  1. About Us, About Us, Democracy Institute, Accessed 10-February-2010
  2. Think Tank: Biography, Patrick Basham, PBS, Accessed 10-February-2010