Climate Investment Partnership

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Global warming.jpg This article is part of the Climate project of Spinwatch.

Climate Investment Partnership (CIP) is a Geneva-based not for profit collaboration of public and private financial organizations aiming to match renewable energy and carbon offsetting/reducing projects with financing. They describe themselves as 'neither an equity investor nor a broker' [1] but an “investment clearinghouse” which identifies and approves suitable projects through a 'project finance facility'. [2]

Hard to trace

The CIP was set up in 2002 with little ceremony, and proceeded to attract some very high profile clients and partners. There is some, though very little, press coverage on the organisation during 2004 and 2005, but in recent years their activities are virtually untraceable. CIP hosts a website' which is a very basic 'learning centre' describing climate change and the workings of various forms of renewable energy but contains no detail of the company or its activities whatsoever. The internet archive service shows that there was a different website for the company between 2004 and 2008 but access to it has been blocked with this message ' has been blocked by the site owner via robots.txt.'[3]

This secrecy appears to extend to some of the group's early activities as a 2005 article claims that CEO Frank Joshua 'would not say who the local partners are' for a carbon credit center being set up in Panama. [4] The best information on the group is a 2005 description at 'The New Public Finance' website which may well be out of date. Nonetheless several articles (which interestingly appear to now be inaccessible) naming the company as active are linked to 'Zoom Info'[5]



According to The New Public Finance website as of 2005 partners were:


Swiss Re | RWE Innogy | Fenwick Elliot | Ernst and Young | Riskclick | Deloitte | CC&D Consultores | EcoSecurities | YC Consultants | Factor Consulting and Management | Sirius Law | Natsource | Finnfund | Austria Wirtschaftsservice | Société Générale de Surveillance S.A. | Point Carbon | Carbon Market Solutions | Standard Bank | PriceWaterhouseCoopers [7]

Major Institutions:

European Commission | Swiss Ministry for the Environment | Swiss State Secretariat for Economic Affairs | Development Bank of Japan | European Bank for Reconstruction and Development | European Investment Bank

World Economic Forum Global GHG Register | Environmental Investment Partnership | Global Environmental Facility | UNCTAD-Earth Council Carbon Market Program [8]


According to the New Public Finance Website, funding is from members fees for services, [9] however, the firm also received an initial 'developmental grant' of $373,000 from the World Trade Organisation and OECD in 2004. [10]



  1. Business News Americas, 'Panamanian carbon credit center takes shape', December 5, 2005
  2. The New Public Finance website Climate Investment Partnership Accessed 31/01/10
  3. Internet Archive [ Climate Investors
  4. Business News Americas, 'Panamanian carbon credit center takes shape', December 5, 2005
  5. Zoom Info website Frank Joshua Accessed 30/01/10
  6. Australian Institute of Company Directors Speakers, John Buttle Accessed 03/02/10
  7. The New Public Finance website Climate Investment Partnership Accessed 31/01/10
  8. The New Public Finance website Climate Investment Partnership Accessed 31/01/10
  9. The New Public Finance website Climate Investment Partnership Accessed 31/01/10
  10. Doha Development Agenda website Climate Investment Partnership Accessed 03/02/10