2030 Water Resources Group

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The 2030 Water Resources Group was formed in 2008. Its a collaboration of industrial users of water, the World Bank (mainly through its subdivision, the International Financial Corporation) and the Global Management Consultancy firm McKinsey and Company [1]. With no 'independent' address and with all enquiries relating to the 2030 Water Resources Group directed to the e-mail address 2030WaterResourcesGroup@mckinsey.com one can deduce McKinsey and Company has been charged with the facilitation of this group, its outputs and the dissemination of these outputs.

Publications and Research

Charting Our Water Future Economic frameworks to inform decision-making appears to be the sole output of 2030 Water Resources Group.

The "study focuses on how, by 2030, competing demands for scarce water resources can be met and sustained. It is sponsored, written, and supported by a group of private sector companies and institutions who are concerned about water scarcity as an increasing business risk, a major economic threat that cannot be ignored, and a global priority that affects human well-being"[2].

The Executive Summary can be accessed from Charting Our Water Future Economic frameworks to inform decision-making.

Content, Arguments and Recommendations



  1. 2030 Water Resources Group (2009) Charting Our Water Future Economic frameworks to inform decision-making, (p3) Accessed 20 January 2010
  2. 2030 Water Resources Group (2009) Charting Our Water Future Economic frameworks to inform decision-making, (p10) Accessed 20 January 2010