Andrew Jubb

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Andrew Jubb

Andrew Jubb, a media and politics graduate from Sussex University, was Research Director at the right-wing media monitoring group Newswatch and its predecessor Minotaur Media Tracking. [1] He worked on a number of reports for the Conservative Party and affiliated right-wing think-tanks alleging a left-wing bias in the UK media, particularly the BBC. His CV on the Newswatch website stated that: 'He has personally monitored more than 5,000 hours of news broadcasts for the company's surveys, co-authored many reports and has pioneered new methods of research in this field.' [2]


  1. Screengrab of Andrew Jubb's CV. Taken from <> on 27 November 2009
  2. Screengrab of Andrew Jubb's CV. Taken from <> on 27 November 2009