Combined Heat and Power Association

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The CHPA lobbies the government to take full advantage of CHP technology, seeing 'efficient generation' as a key aspect of climate change policy. Members include major UK generation and distribution networks. The CHPA shares offices at Grosvenor Gardens with a number of other carbon trading, offsetting and renewables/greenwash lobbyists. Ex-Director of the CHPA David Green is now CEO of the UK Business Council for Sustainable Energy, based in the same building.


In their own words:

'The aim of the CHPA is to promote the wider use of combined heat and power and community heating. To do this, the Association works with its members, Government and other non-Government organisations to:

  • address the barriers that currently face CHP and Community Heating;
  • ensure that when Government policies are developed they allow CHP and Community Heating to play their full role in delivering economic, social and environmental benefits to the UK;
  • educate and inform Government, business and the wider community about the benefits of CHP and the great potential that exists in the UK to take advantage of it. '[1]



AEA leading low carbon policy consultants for the UK government regularly work with the CHPA.


Ex Director David Green is now CEO of UK Business Council for Sustainable Energy

Graham Meeks Director
Ian Manders Deputy Director
Paul Gardiner Head of Policy
Michael King Associate
Tom FernCommunications Manager
Peter SmithResearch & Membership Manager
Craig DennettResearcher


BAXI group- a Europe wide heating systems supplier was the primary sponsor of their 2008 conference. ENER.G | Cooperative bank | Nabbarro | AEA also sponsored the event.




Address:Combined Heat and Power Association

Grosvenor Gardens House 35/37 Grosvenor Gardens London SW1W 0BS

Registered office as above Registered in London No. 917116

Phone:Tel: 44 020 7828 4077

Fax: 44 020 7828 0310

E-mail: info @



  1. CHPA What we do About Us, Accessed 9/11/09