Powerbase:Quick Guide to Editing (cheatsheet)
This page provides basic instructions for editing on SpinProfiles . For the full set of guidelines, policies and help, see the main SpinProfiles:Help page and [[SpinProfiles:policy and guideline pages].
Before you can edit, you'll need to quickly [[SpinProfiles:Register|register] with a valid email address, which is done to deter spammers and vandals. Once you've registered, editing a page is as easy as clicking the "edit this page" tab at the top of the window."
Editing cheatsheet
See How to edit a page for more detailed explanations and advanced syntax.
Description | What you type | What you get |
Applies anywhere | ||
Italicise text |
''italic'' |
italic |
Bold text |
'''bold''' |
bold |
Bold and italic |
'''''bold & italic''''' |
bold & italic |
Internal link (within SpinProfiles) |
[[name of page]] |
Redirect to another page |
#redirect [[Target page]] |
1. redirect Target page |
External link (to other websites) |
[http://www.example.org] |
Sign your posts |
~~~~ |
Username 08:56, |
Applies only at the beginning of the line | ||
Headings of different sizes |
== Level 1 == |
Level 1
Level 2
Level 3
Level 4
Level 5
Bullet list |
* one |
Numbered list |
# one |
Thumbnail image |
[[Image:Sourcewatch.png|thumb|Caption text]] |
File:Sourcewatch.png Caption text |
Sourcing an article
See references for more detailed explanations and tips on sourcing.
Every assertion made on SpinProfiles should have an outside source. In most cases this should be a webpage or online document that can be linked to (see SpinProfiles:References references for help on referencing offline sources). The easiest way to cite a source is to put a link between two square brackets after the sentence or paragraph that draws from it, which automatically turns it into an auto-numbered footnote (see the first "external link" example in the chart above). You should then add a citation to the source in the "Articles and resources" section at the bottom of the article, which serves as a bibliography in SpinProfiles articles. To add the citation you will generally need this information:
- Name of the author (or organization that produced the source)
- URL of the site where the information was taken
- Name of the source
- Name of the publication
- Date the information was published
You generally want to put the citation in a bullet and format it like this:
- Author, "Title," Publication, Date.
To get this format, you enter
What you type |
* Jonathan Weisman, [http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2006/05/17/AR2006051701779.html "Ethics Panel Starts 3 Probes,"] ''Washington Post,'' May 18, 2006. |
What you get |
If editing someone else's writing, leave a note
If you are editing or deleting someone else's writing, it's a common courtesy to leave a note on an article's discussion page (found by clicking the "discussion" tab at the top of the article) explaining your reasons why. It would probably then be a good idea to check back a little later to see if other editors responded. Remember: be cool, be collaborative and talk things out. "Edit wars" are never fun and rarely productive.
Creating a new page
See How to start a page. Remember to follow the naming conventions in titling the page.
Acknowledgment: The first chart on this page was originally copied from Wikipedia's [Wikipedia:Cheatsheet].