Nick Kuenssberg
Nick Kuenssberg is chairman of Iomart Group plc, GAP Group Ltd, Stac Affinity Services PLC and Canmore Partnership Ltd and non-executive director of Chamberlin & Hill plc and RingProp plc.
He is also chairman of ScotlandIS, Scotland the Brand and Scottish Networks International. Previously an executive director of Coats Viyella plc and Dawson International plc, chairman of Stoddard International plc and non-executive director of Standard Life Assurance Company and Scottish Power plc amongst other companies. Mr Kuenssberg was also formerly a Visiting Professor at Strathclyde Business School, chairman of the Institute of Directors, Scotland and a member of the Secretary of State for Scotland's Advisory Group on Sustainable Development from 1996 to 1999. He has also been a Board member of the Scottish Legal Aid Board since 1996 for which he receives an annual remuneration of £7,600.
Kuenssberg is also Deputy Chair of the Board of the Scottish Environment Protection Agency (SEPA).