The Shlomo Memorial Fund Limited

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"The company receives income from its investment properties, cash deposits and subsidiary undertakings which it utilises in the provision and distribution of grants and donations for charitable purposes."[1]



  • Channe Lopian | Correspondence Address New Burlington House, 1075 Finchley Road, London, Nw11 0pu Role Active Secretary Appointed On 4 December 2009 Nationality British
  • Esther Hoffner | Correspondence Address 31 Richmond Avenue, Prestwich, Manchester, Lancashire, England, M25 0lz Role Active Director Date Of Birth February 1967 Appointed On 25 July 2014 Nationality British Country Of Residence England Occupation Teacher
  • Chaim Jehuda Alexander Kaufman | Correspondence Address 26 Cambridge Terrace, Gateshead, Tyne & Wear, Ne8 1rp Role Active Director Date Of Birth November 1956 Appointed On 17 September 2002 Nationality British Country Of Residence United Kingdom Occupation Company Director
  • Eliyah Kleinerman | Correspondence Address Rechov Imrei Bina 14, Kiryat Sanz, Jerusalem, Israel Role Active Director Date Of Birth May 1949 Nationality Israeli Occupation Lecturer
  • Channe Lopian | Correspondence Address New Burlington House, 1075 Finchley Road, London, Nw11 0pu Role Active Director Date Of Birth August 1946 Appointed On 4 December 2009 Nationality British Country Of Residence England Occupation Teacher
  • Meir Yosef Sulam | Correspondence Address 8 Highfield Avenue, London, United Kingdom, Nw11 9et Role Active Director Date Of Birth September 1975 Appointed On 14 September 2011 Nationality British Country Of Residence England Occupation None
  • Amichai Toporowitz | Correspondence Address 42 Dover Terrace, Monsey, New York, Usa, 10952 Role Active Director Date Of Birth January 1950 Appointed On 22 July 1998 Nationality Israeli Country Of Residence United States Occupation Lecturer
  • Hezkel Moses Toporowitz | Correspondence Address 5 Polonsky, Jerusalem, Israel, 9527130 Role Active Director Date Of Birth November 1971 Appointed On 20 August 2001 Nationality British Country Of Residence Israel Occupation Teacher

Former Directors

  • Issac David Lopian | Correspondence Address 56 Darenth Road, London, N16 6ej Role Resigned Secretary Resigned On 4 December 2009 Nicolaas Julius De-Vries]] | Correspondence Address 26 Gordon Street, Raanana 43554, Israel, Foreign Role Resigned Director Date Of Birth August 1921 Appointed On 4 August 1995 Resigned On 20 June 1997 Nationality Dutch Occupation Lecturer
  • Hillel Yechiel Hoffner | Correspondence Address 31 Richmond Avenue, Prestwich, Manchester, M25 0lz Role Resigned Director Date Of Birth February 1966 Appointed On 5 September 1994 Resigned On 20 August 2001 Nationality American Occupation Lecturer Elieser Jakobowicz]] | Correspondence Address 66 Grasmere Street West, Gateshead, Tyne & Wear, Ne8 1ts Role Resigned Director Date Of Birth August 1931 Resigned On 11 July 1997 Nationality British Occupation Accountant
  • Meir Simcha Lebanon Weisfish | Correspondence Address 17 Damesek Elieser, Bnei Brack, Israel, Foreign Role Resigned Director Date Of Birth October 1967 Appointed On 5 September 1994 Resigned On 17 September 2002 Nationality Israeli Occupation Lecturer
  • Issac David Lopian | Correspondence Address 56 Darenth Road, London, N16 6ej Role Resigned Director Date Of Birth November 1940 Resigned On 4 December 2009 Nationality British Occupation Ritual Slaughterer
  • Gedalya Nadel | Correspondence Address Rechov Rashbam, 23 Bnei Brak Role Resigned Director Date Of Birth August 1923 Resigned On 17 September 2002 Nationality Israeli Occupation Lecturer
  • Shloma Toporowitz | Correspondence Address P B 119, Nonsey, New York 10952, Usa Role Resigned Director Date Of Birth June 1911 Resigned On 2 October 1994 Nationality Israeli Occupation Director


Name Role Date of appointment Other trusteeships
Amichai Toporowitz Chair
Esther Hoffner Trustee 25 July 2014 Harmony NP Limted
Meir Yosef Sulam Trustee 05 July 2012 Binyan AV
Chaim Yehuda Kaufman Trustee
Eliyah Kleinerman Trustee
Channe Lopian Trustee
Hezkel Moses Toporowitz Trustee



Grants given

Grant recipients of the Shlomo Memorial Fund in £ sterling
Recipient 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021
Aguda Lehachzarat Torah Veyhadus Leam 13,500
Ahavat Torah 12,000 18,000
Amud Hachesed Trust 62,000
Amudei Olam 41,250 65,000
Amutot Beer Ha'olam 114,180
Anachnu Vetzeitzainu 21,000 39,000 22,500
Arucha Chama Bechol Yom 62,000 28,000 65,000 53,000
Ateret Avot 36,000 18,000 39,000 33,000
Bais Medrash Tehillas Shlomo 61,900 27,500
Beer Ha'olam 111,350 108,050 114,500 112,300
Beer Mayim Chaim 18,000
Beis Hamedrash Shaarei Tefillah 10,000
Beis Hillel 23,100 24,750 25,000 12,000
Beis Mikroh 22,500
Beit Vaad Lelimud Vedaat Chaim 39,000 33,000
Bereshit Reshet Me'onot Veganei Yelodim 70,187
Birchas Naftoli 18,000
Birkat Horai 27,000 39,000 33,000
Bnei Banim Mosdot Torah Vechinuch 18,000 45,000 21,600 46,800 39,600
Bnei Hayeshivot 18,000 18,000 38,000 39,000 35,000
Bnot Meor Yerushalayim 27,000 30,000
British Friends of Igud Hakollelim B'Yerushalayim 144,000 72,000
British Friends of Rinat Aharon 101,000 95,350 132,500 26,000
Chaim Vuchesed 72,000 80,000 47,000 75,000 18,000
Chanichei Yeshivas Slabodka 28,000 23,000
Chasei Dov 13,500
Chesed V'Chinuch Zeh Alef Bet 18,000
Chevras Linas Hatzedek Beit Dina 42,726
Chevras Mo'oz Ladol (CML) 118,000
Chinuch Umesorah 28,000
Colel Lavrechim Behir Beitar 27,000 27,000 36,000 17,000
Collel Avreichim Shaarei Limud 36,360
Derech Chochma Har Nof 67,000
Dorshei Tzion Beitar Illit 18,000 11,000 26,000 70,000
Dvar Shmuel 15,000
Emunat Hatorah 18,000 30,000
Enkat Asir 27,000 14,400
Enrico Fund 51,000
Friends of Mosdos Torah Veyirah 36,000 54,000 21,000 18,000
Friends of Yeshiva Daas Sholem Shotz 27,000
Give N'earn 30,000
Hamaskil Petach Tikva 36,000
HaMercaz le Tikum Chatzos 36,000 36,000 39,000 33,000
Hashutfim Lomdei v'Tomchei Torah 18,000 18,000 39,000 33,000
Hayozma Hachadasha Leyaldey Israel 18,000
Hineni Bni 18,000
Hitachdut Shem Olam Bet Shemesh 27,000 18,000 39,000 33,000
Igud Hakollelim 52,000 18,000 10,000
Inspirations 36,000
Keren Professor Enrico Venachama Batya Levi 48,000 36,000
Keren Zichron Shlomo 30,500 52,000 44,000
Kol HaChinuch 18,000 24,000 36,000 33,000
Kollel Yeshivas Yosef Chaim 39,000 33,000
Kupat Tzdaka Letnan Ani'ey Ramat Bet Shemesh 44,000 62,000 39,600 76,000 66,000
Layesharim Tehilla 120,900 79,000 160,000 192,000 208,500
Lehava Shel Torah 36,000 18,000 36,000 58,500 49,500
Maane Simcha 44,000
Maimonides Biblical Foundation Inc 290,000
Matan Bseser Bambi 76,000 75,000 20,000 150,000 104,500
Mateh Aharon 36,000 15,000 18,000 27,000
Mercaz Mayanei Yisroel 18,000
Mercaz Ruchni Ayelet Hashachar 12,000
Meor HaTorah 36,000 18,000 36,000 58,500 49,500
Meorot Zvi 33,500 28,000
Mimamakim Chesed uMarpeh 18,000 24,000 52,000 44,000
Minchat Yehuda 31,000
Mosdos Bnei Yerushalayim B'eretz Hakodesh Beit Shemesh 44,000 54,000 18,000
Mosdot Chinuch Vchesed Ateret Avot Jerusalem 26,000
Mosdot Hachinuch Hayerushalmi 18,000 36,000 39,000 33,000
Mosdot Ohr Chana 54,000
Mosdot Torah Vadaat Jerusalem and Beit Shemesh 36,000 36,000 36,000 36,000 35,000
Mosdot Torah veChinuch Ateret Avot 18,000
Mosdot V'Yeshiva L'Zeriyim Ahavat Torah 18,000
Mosdot V'Yeshiva Maane Simcha 44,000
Nachlat Haleviim 19,500 94,000 21,000 42,000
Ohr Chana 18,000 39,600 51,200 44,000
Ohr Dovid Admor MiTolna 18,000 18,000
Ohr Hatalmud 27,000 12,000
Oneg Menachem 36,000 18,000
Ozer Yisroel Bigvura 44,000 36,000
Peer Avot 36,000 18,000 18,000 39,000 33,600
Pisga-Aguda Lehachzarat Torah Vethadus Leam 10,000
Pnei Yitzchak 45,000 18,000 39,000 33,000
Pninei Torah 15,000 27,000 18,000 36,000 33,000
Reshet Mosdot Bakrayot Hadatiyot 36,000 18,000
Sayser Developments Ltd 50,000
Shaarei Limud 36,000 18,000 39,000 33,000
Shaarei Tehilla 16,500 52,000 44,000
Shalhevet Dovid 36,000
Shaykel Esuh 26,000
Shlavim Betaasuka 26,000 44,000 12,000 10,000
Taharat Aharon 18,000 18,000
Talmud Torah Machzikei Hadass Trust 70,000
Tchabe Kollel Limited 18,000
Tehillas Shlomo 12,300 15,000 32,400 46,800 38,500
Tikva Le'am 18,000 27,000
Tzedokah Vchesed 26,000
USA Tehillas Shlomo 22,000 10,000
Yachad Besimcha 39,000 33,000
Yachad Institution 44,000 62,000 30,000
Yachad Leman Kol Echod V'echod 53,000
Yachad Meizlish 65,000
Yad Latzafon 73,500
Yad Tomechet LeNizkak Batzafon 181,200 181,000 121,000
Yesamach Levav 30,600
Yeshiva L'Zeirim 92,750 19,500 10,000
Yeshivas Beis Hillel Bnei Brak 20,000
Yeshivas Divrei Mordechai Center 50,000
Yeshivas L'Tzerim Ohr Hatalmud 18,000
Yeshivas Mateh Aharon 18,000 21,000
Yissochor Beholecho 12,500 145,000 36,000
Zichron Menachem 23,914 35,000 20,000
Ziv Hakehilla 16,250 184,000 241,000
Ziv Yisroel Association 219,100 248,150 44,850
Sub total 2,693,667 2,612,450 1,838,700 2,761,300 2,258,500
Other donations 28,440 37,404 70,116 29,300 20,250
Total 2,722,107 2,649,854 1,908,816 2,790,600 2,278,750

Data sources:

See also
