Christians for Israel International

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Christians for Israel International is a Christian Zionist organisation and the international wing of the Netherlands-based Christians for Israel. The organisation was founded in 1998 by the Dutch, American, Canadian and German affiliates of Christians for Israel.[1] It is a registered non-profit (Dutch Chamber of Comerce No. 32070120).[2]

The organisation claims to have 'affiliates, partners and representatives in Australia, Austria, Belgium, Botswana, Brazil, Cameroon, Ethiopia, Germany, Ghana, Greece, India, Indonesia, Italy, Israel, Kenya, Malaysia, Netherlands, New Zealand, Nigeria, Pacific Islands, Philippines, Poland, Romania, Russia and Former Soviet Union, Rwanda, Sierra Leone, Singapore, South Africa, South Korea, South Sudan, Suriname, Swaziland, Switzerland, Tanzania, Thailand, Uganda, Ukraine, United Kingdom, United States of America and Zambia.[3] The organisation's website provides the following mission statement:

Our mission is to bring Biblical understanding in the Church and among the nations concerning God's purposes for Israel and to promote comfort of Israel through prayer and action.
Our vision is to establish a global network of Christians having local impact, for the blessing of the nation of Israel, the Jewish people and the church.
Our strategy is to equip Christians in the nations to understand God’s purposes with the Jewish people and the nation of Israel, and to stand in the gap between Israel and the Church.[4]


The website of the American affiliate of Christians for Israel International provides a number of pages that expound upon the organisation's view of the Israel-Palestine conflict.


CFII do not accept Israeli responsibility for causing Palestinians to flee what is now the state of Israel in 1949:

Just before and during the Independence War (1948-1949) many Palestinian Arabs - about 650,000 people in total – fled the land. These were different groups of Arabs, each with their own reason to leave the country. The great-mufti of Jerusalem, who collaborated with the Nazi’s and the governments of the Arab countries, incited many Palestine Arabs to abandon Israel and to go to the Arab neighbors. The refugee problem was and still is very complex, and is remains a major issue in the negotiations for peace.[5]

An article by Jonathan S. Tobin hosted on the American CFII paged also denies Israeli responsibility for the refugee problem:

The Palestinian refugees, whose exit from the country was caused more by a general fear of the war sweeping over the land than by any action on the part of the Israelis...[6]


The organisation describes the international community's designation of Israeli settlements in the occupied territories as illegal as 'a lie'. [7]

Muslim Brotherhood

CFII describes the Muslim Brotherhood as an organisation bent on world domination:

The Brotherhood`s goal is to turn the world into an Islamist empire. The Muslim Brotherhood, founded in Egypt in 1928, is a revolutionary fundamentalist movement to restore the caliphate and strict shariah (Islamist) law in Muslim lands and, ultimately, the world.[8]

CFII also alleges that the Brotherhood was allied with Nazi Germany. [9]

International Committee of the Red Cross

CFII has accused the ICRC of corruption and accused the ICRC of changing international law by applying the Fourth Geneva Convention to the Occupied Territories.[10]

Palestinian Statehood

The organisation denies Palestinians right to self-determination and questions the existence of a Palestinian people (a common trope of Zionist organisations).[11]


Rev. Willem J. J. Glashouwer (President) Harald Eckert (Chairman) Andrew Tucker (Executive Director)

Board Members circa May 2015

Bert Fluit | Pim van der Hoff | Drake Kanaabo | Leon Meijer


Address circa 2015

Head office:
Christians for Israel International
P.O. Box 1100
3860 BC Nijkerk
Tel: +31 33 24 588 24
Fax: +31 33 246 3644




  1. 'History Christians for Israel ', Christians for Israel International Website, accessed 26 May September 2015
  2. 'Governance', Christians for Israel International Website, accessed 26 May September 2015
  3. 'Movement Christians for Israel International', Christians for Israel International Website, accessed 26 May September 2015
  4. 'Movement Christians for Israel International', Christians for Israel International Website, accessed 26 May September 2015
  5. 'Israel 1917-present', Christians for Israel International Website, accessed 26 May September 2015
  6. 'Top Ten Myths about the Middle East Conflict', Christians for Israel International Website, accessed 26 May September 2015
  7. 'Nine Common Myths about Israel', Christians for Israel International Website, accessed 26 May September 2015
  8. 'Who Is The Muslim Brotherhood?', Christians for Israel International Website, accessed 26 May September 2015
  9. 'Who Is The Muslim Brotherhood?', Christians for Israel International Website, accessed 26 May September 2015
  10. 'Nine Common Myths about Israel', Christians for Israel International Website, accessed 26 May September 2015
  11. 'Nine Common Myths about Israel', Christians for Israel International Website, accessed 26 May September 2015