Falic Family Private Foundation

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The Falic Family Private Foundation (EIN: 20-2734770) is a grant making foundation which supports a number of Jewish and pro-Israel causes. The family was founded by members of the Florida based Falic family, a wealthy Jewish family who have made major donations to a range of pro-Israel causes and to American politicians from both the Republican and Democratic parties. A number of organisations supported by the foundation are directly involved in illegal settlement activity within the Occupied Territories.[1] The family are the current owners of Duty Free America which was purchased by the family in 2001. [2]

The organisation has made significant donations to the Friends of the Israel Defense Forces an organisation of which Nily Falic serves as National Chair. [3]

Foundation Grantees

Organisations supported by the foundation include:

the Aleph Institute, American Friends of Bet el Yeshiva Center, American Friends of Beit Issie Shapiro, Amencan Friends of Likud, American Friends of Lubavitch, American Friends Of Or National Missions, American Friends of Y H S Kiryat Arba, American Friends of Yeshiva Yad Aharon, Coalition for the Advancement of Jewish Education, Center for Jewish Life, Central Fund of Israel, Chabad Center, Counterterrorism and Security Education and Research Foundation (CTSERF) Eirgun Baruch U'Marpeh, Ezrat Israel, Friends of Israel Disabled Veterans, Facts and Logic About the Middle East (FLAME) Friends of the Israel Defense Forces, IsraFest Foundation, Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs, Jerusalem Connection, Jewish National Fund, One Family Fund, PEF Israel Endowment Fund, Salute America's Heroes, Simon Wiesenthal Center, United Jewish Appeal, US Holocaust Museum, Women's International Zionist Organization, Young Israel of Hollywood. [4]


Directors (circa 2013)

Jerome Falic (President, Director) | Simon Falic (Vice-President, Treasurer and Director) | Leon Falic (Vice-President, Secretary and Director) | Nily Falic (Director)


Address Circa 2013:
6100 Hollywood Boulevard
Room/Suite 7th Floor
Hollywood, FL
Phone: (954) 986-7700


  1. Alex Kane, 'Meet the Falics: West Bank settlement funders, Netanyahu backers, and owners of Duty Free America', Mondoweiss,net,28 December 2014, accessed 3 March 2015
  2. Duty Free Americas Website About Us. Accessed 3 March 2015.
  3. Data retrieved from filings of Form 990s 2002 - 2013.
  4. Data compiled from filings of Form 990s 2002 - 2013.