GCM Resources

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Revision as of 05:17, 10 February 2014 by Melissa Jones (talk | contribs) (Lobbyists and PR firms: Bell)
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GCM Resources is a London-based resource exploration and development company. Its primary project is the The Phulbari Coal Project, which its website states is 'poised for development once the Government of Bangladesh provides approval'.


Asia Energy



As at 2013:

Former shareholders

Lobbyists and PR firms

External resources

  • International Accountability Project & Bank Information Center (BIC)Phulbari Coal Project: An Assessment of the Draft Resettlement Plan Prepared by Global Coal Management/Asia Energy Corporation’, August 2008
  • Roger Moody, (commissioned by BIC) ‘Phulbari Coal: A Parlous Project November 2008


Websites: http://www.gcmplc.com/‎



  1. TR-1: NOTIFICATION OF MAJOR INTEREST IN SHARESi, GCM Resources PLC - Holding(s) in Company, 26 November 2013, acc 10 February 2014
  2. Cited January 2014 on this press release: http://www.gcmplc.com/news-item?item=1680867663544320 GCM Resources plc Interim results for the six months ended 31 December 2013], acc 10 February 2014