Edventure Partners

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Revision as of 03:08, 26 November 2013 by Melissa Jones (talk | contribs)
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Edventures Partners is a US education curriculum company focused on 'building industry-education partnerships'.


According to its website:

EdVenture Partners programs blend academic theory with practical, hands-on application, creating a "real-world" marketing and learning experience for students and educators using our open source innovation platform. Students grapple with real business challenges, and provide creative and innovative solutions to client's marketing, brand building, research, sales, public policy, community affairs and recruiting objectives and needs.
Students receive an unparalleled educational opportunity to build their résumé and gain firsthand experience in how to fulfill the objectives of a real client. Clients achieve what every marketer or recruiter dreams of... measurable results. [emphasis added] [1]


In November 2013 tax filings from pro-fracking lobby group 'America's Natural Gas Alliance' (ANGA) revealed that Edventures had 'partnered with ANGA to produce classroom materials that promote the use of natural gas' and received US $864,673 for this purpose.






  1. Homepage, accessed 26 November 2013