Shook, Hardy and Bacon

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Shook, Hardy and Bacon (SHB) is an international law firm. It also has offices in Geneva, Houston, London, Miami, Orange County, CA, San Francisco, Tampa and Washington D.C. For decades, the firm has represented the largest tobacco companies in the United States.[1]

Plain packs bible

SHB were part of a working group on producing a 'plain packs bible' to oppose the introduction of plain packaging. The book was written by John Luik. The plain packs working group was created 'as a result of threatened plain packaging legislation in Canada and implications for other markets'. The working group members were as follows:

  • Working group members

British Amberican Tobacco, DB/IN | Philip Morris, Wendy Burrell | Gallaher, Ian Birks, Chris Devereux | Reemstma, Marion Funck | Imperial tobacco, Arnold Porter | Rothmans, Jacqueline Smithson, Jim Seddon | RJ Reynolds, Wilfried Dembach, Paul Bourassa | Shook Hardy & Bacon, Eugene Peck | LWD, David Latham | TDC, Ron Tully

  • Small working group set up to manage publication of book . Members are:

British American Tobacco DB (now replaced by IN), Rothmans, Jacqui Smithson | Philip Morris, Wendy Burrell/Anne Okonewski (replaced by S Virendra)[2]


British American Tobacco | Philip Morris | John Luik

Contact Details



  1. See, e.g., Shook, Hardy and Bacon LLP, Comments on Testimony of Dora Anne Mills, MD, MPH, Director, Maine Bureau of Health, document in Tobacco Library, March 12, 1999
  2. [1]