News International-Northern Ireland timeline

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  • 22 A Martin Breen article in the News of the World gives details of an afffidavit sworn by Metropolitan Police Detective Chief Inspector Graham Taylor of the Stevens Inquiry, naming the UDA's William 'Mo' Courtney as one of the killers of Pat Finucane on the basis of evidence from a UDA mole. The article stated: "The affidavit from DCI Taylor has never been read out in court and was part of other proceedings brought by the Stevens Inquiry to obtain documents for its investigation. We have obtained the document from a source not involved in the Stevens Inquiry or Crown Prosecution Service."[2]



  • 21 - Alex Marunchak reports in the Press Gazette that the News of the World's Belfast Editor, Martin Breen has been appointed editor of the Sunday Life. news of the World colleague David O'Dornan joins him as associate editor.[3]


  1. Martin Breen, Stakeknife quizzed on shootings, News of the World, 4 March 2007, archived at
  2. Martin Breen, UDA mole nailed Mo, News of the World, 22 April 2007.
  3. Alex Marunchak, Martin Breen becomes Sunday Life's youngest editor, Press Gazette, 21 May 2009.