Solidarity - The Union for British Workers

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Solidarity - The Union for British Workers was formed in 2005.[1] A self-described "nationalist union"[2], it has close links to both the BNP and Third Way. In fact, both Third Way and Solidarity - The Union for British Workers share the same postal address: Room 407, 12 South Bridge, Edinburgh, EH1 1DD.[3][4]

Stated Aims

Solidarity states that its focus: on the British Worker. This leads us to oppose the shallow internationalism of some Union leaders. We don't see off-shoring or mass migration of labour as being of benefit to workers in our country. It is certainly in the interest of big business to be able to move labour and capital without heed to national borders. That way they can keep wages down and set one set of workers against another. It certainly isn't in the interest of the ordinary worker here, however.[5]

Far Right Links

In February 2006, the anti-fascist magazine Searchlight published an article claiming that Solidarity was a union set up by the BNP. In the article it was claimed:

"The “President” of the union is Clive Potter, a long-time BNP activist from Leicester, who was expelled from Unison for improper conduct. Other BNP activists involved in the project include Jay Lee, who was recently booted out of Aslef, and John Walker, the BNP’s national treasurer, who has had his own troubles with the T&G."[6]

Patrick Harrington, former National Front member and founding member of Third Way is currently General Secretary of Solidarity[7].

Solidarity Executive Elections 2007

On 20 November 2007 the Solidarity website published the results of its union elections for which there were 6 candidates.[8] Of the six, Gary Aronsson[9], Simone Clarke[10] and Mark Walker[11] are BNP members. David Durant[12] is National Secretary of the National Liberal Party (NLP), the electoral wing of Third Way whilst David Kerr[13] is a founding member of Third Way. Third Way was itself set up by former National Front member Patrick Harrington.[14] The final sixth candidate was Lindsey Nieuwhof, wife of Lambertus Nieuwhof[15], a leading figure in the BNP's online operation and former South African white supremacist and terrorist.[16]

Working Closely with 'Civil Liberty'

Solidarity also works closely with Civil Liberty, a civil rights organisation set up by key BNP activists.[17] On the Civil Liberty website all examples of the organisations work are in support of prominent BNP members.[18]

Patrick Harrington, General Secretary of Solidarity himself states:

“We appreciate the support of Civil Liberty. It is helping us fight politically motivated discrimination in the workplace. I urge you to sign our online petition and contact Sita Suez with a polite complaint. If you can I would also like you to donate to Civil Liberty. They are in the frontline of helping those who are suffering these modern-day witch-hunts. Please help them so they can help others.”[19]

Political Funding

In 2006 the Wales on Sunday revealed that workers who signed up to Solidarity would in effect be funding the BNP. The article stated:

The BNP's top man in Wales, national treasurer John Walker, last night said although Solidarity was not a front for the party, it would have a fundraising role.
"There probably will be a political levy at some stage to the BNP just as other unions raise money for Labour," said Mr Walker from Mancot, Flintshire. "It is quite possible and feasible that when Solidarity becomes fully functional some element of funds raised will be donated to the BNP, but that will have to be decided through consultation with the membership."[20]

Patrick Harrington responded in a letter to Wales on Sunday stating that this was John Walker's personal opinion and as of February 2006 "Our political fund is not yet established".[21]


  1. 'Purpose of Solidarity', Solidarity - The Union for British Workers website
  2. British Worker, Solidarity - The Union for British Workers website
  3. 'Contact 3W', Third Way website
  4. 'Contact Solidarity', Solidarity - The Union for British Workers website
  5. 'Purpose of Solidarity', Solidarity - The Union for British Workers website
  6. Nick Lowles, 'BNP union unmasked', Searchlight website
  7. Copyright statement, Solidarity - The Union for British Workers website
  8. '20/11/2007 - Results of Solidarity Executive Elections', Solidarity website
  9. 'European Election Candidates: North West', BBC website, 2 June 2009.
  10. BNP targets 'real Londoners', BBC website, 9 April 2008.
  11. 'Mark Walker repeats claims that dismissal was a “hatchet job”', The Northern Echo, 12 April 2010.
  12. 'A Christmas message from National Liberal Party National Secretary David Durant', National Liberal Party website, 24 December 2009.
  13. 'Biographies', Third Way website.
  14. 'Biographies', Third Way website.
  15. 'BNP Membership List', Wikileaks
  16. Matthew Taylor, 'BNP activist took part in terror campaign', The Guardian, 31 March 2007.
  17. Matthew Taylor, Ian Cobain and Rob Evans, 'Revealed: the front organisation set up by BNP members to raise money in the US', The Guardian, 3 February 2007
  18. 'Our Work', Civil Liberty website
  19. 'Sita Suez attack Union rights', Third Way website
  20. Lucy Ballinger, 'Union funds BNP', Wales on Sunday, 12 February 2006
  21. Patrick Harrington, 'Letters to the Editor: Union funds BNP', Wales on Sunday, 19 February 2006