Jeremy Lott

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Jeremy Lott is a journalist. He mainly writes about politics and religion, and is the author of "In Defence of Hipocrisy: Picking Sides in the War on Virtue".[1] Writes for the Guardian[2], where there are plenty of links to articles he has produced. Lott is also involved with the Competitive Enterprise Institue[3], CATO Institue[4], The Captial Reseach Center[5], he is the assistant managing editor of The American Spectator[6] and contributes to Reason Magazine [7].


  1. GoogleBook Reivew accessed 16th March 2010
  2. The Guardianaccessed 15th feb 2010.© Guardian News and Media Limited 2010
  3. About CEIaccessed 16th March 2010
  4. About CATOaccessed 16th March 2010
  5. About Capital Researchaccessed 16th March 2010
  6. About American Spectatoraccessed 16th March 2010
  7. About Reasonaccessed 16th March 2010