User talk:Kathleen O'Donnell

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Globalisation Project

a note from managing ed

HI Kathleen, not sure if you are receiving this but could you avoid using people's titles in page title, eg it should be John Smith not Mr John Smith or Dr John Smith. also have a look on David's globalisation page giving assignments etc as you need to reference fully.

many thanks for your work! --Claire Robinson 15:00, 15 February 2010 (UTC)

copy of messages left on globalisation page

Referencing -- please read this first

Ann important note from the SpinP managing ed re referencing:

can you all please look at our guide to referencing:

and make sure you include all this info in refs, as this is not happening in many new articles, eg Dr Michael Mosbacher, Dr Patrick Basham, Nigel Ashford. also we don't include people's titles in page titles (such as Baroness, Dr etc) so I am retitling these pages.

many thanks! --Claire Robinson 14:56, 15 February 2010 (UTC)


Please also use complete sentences when writing/starting an article for Spin, eg John Smith is the Conservative candidate for Biggleworth East...

Not just a page title and then a fragment like

Conservative candidate for Bigglesworth East

--Claire Robinson 15:05, 15 February 2010 (UTC)

Here's an example of how to do it

To save your time, re refs and full sentences -- pls look at go into Edit function in top tab and have a look at how the refs are done. You shd have the ref coding, then author if there is one, then open square bracket, then url, then title of the web page in question, eg "About Us", then close square bracket, then name of the website, ie whose it is, date of article where applicable, then date accessed.

any questions, contact me by clicking on my electronic signature, go to Discussion, click on + and type. make sure you sign your name so I know who you are...

thank you! --Claire Robinson 15:27, 15 February 2010 (UTC)

Pls check no page exists already

Before starting a new page in Spin, pls check that none already exists on that person or group. do this by putting the person's name into Search box on left menu of every page in Spin. First of all, click Search, not Go, as Search brings up more options. I usually try the same search term with clicking Go, also, as this will bring up any page with the exact name you type in. NB this search box is case sensitive, so type John Smith, not john smith.

I'm finding a lot of duplicates at the moment and am merging people's new material with the existing page on that person. so that is where your material has gone!

thanks all --Claire Robinson 15:37, 15 February 2010 (UTC)


HI Kathleen

work in prog I know but can u make sure you list Nigel A Ashford's exact position titles where they are available? they are listed in the web page you reference as note no. 1. it helps the reader as it's more exact.

many thanks! --Claire Robinson 16:04, 27 February 2010 (UTC)


Hi Kathleen

re Juliette Baysham, you cd start just by putting in her position for the Democ Institute

giving the DI page as a ref.

there is someone of her name practising as an osteopath but not sure if same one...

bw --Claire Robinson 15:58, 1 March 2010 (UTC)