Business Action for Water

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Business Action for Water was formed in 2004 by the International Chamber of Commerce and the World Business Council for Sustainable Development. Their remit was clear: to provide a business perspective at the 13th session (11-22 April 2005) of the UN Commission on Sustainable Development (UNCSD), which focused on water, sanitation and human settlements.

Originally intended to be an ad-hoc temporary organisation, Business Action for Water was renewed for the 5th World Water Forum in Istanbul, 2009 [1]. Providing the unitary voice for business, the purpose of Business Action for Water at the World Water Forum was unambiguous.

"The overall aim of Business Action for Water is to profile business and industry as positive agents to achieve the goals, commitments and activities of the World Water Forum. It will try to achieve this by 1) communicating and promoting business contributions as a partner in water-related issues, and 2) ensuring business has a seat at the water table, i.e., that the needs and interests of business are also taken into account in a reasonable and equitable way by the international community" [2].

Members and links



  1. International Chamber of Commerce Environment and Energy Business Action for Water Accessed 6th January 2010
  2. Business Action for Water Accessed 6th January 2010