Trade Policy Research Centre

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In Western Europe: V.N. Balasubramanyam, Sir Alec Cairncross, W.M. Corden, Gérard Curzon, Victoria Curzon Price, Juergen Donges, Herbert Giersch, Sidney Golt, Sir Roy Harrod, Theodor Heidhues, David Henderson, Brian Hindley, Pierre Jacquet, T.E. Josling, Deepak Lal, Jean-Pierre Lehmann, Assar Lindbeck, I.M.D. Little, Alasdair MacBean, T.M. Rybczynski, Stefan Tangerman and Jean Waelbroeck.

In North America: Robert E. Baldwin, Jagdish Bhagwati, Isaiah Frank, Rodney de C. Grey, D. Gale Johnson, Richard Lipsey and Ingo Walter; and

In the Asia-Pacific region: Kym Anderson, Gary Banks, Kihwan Kim, Peter J. Lloyd, David Robertson, Hadi Soesastro, Richard Snape, Andrew Stoeckel, Augustine H.H. Tan and Soogil Young. [1]


  1. Deepak Lal, Biography, accessed 12 December 2007; Cordell Hull Institute, Building on a Track REcord