Mark Palmer

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Mark Palmer serves on the Board of Trustees with Freedom House. His biography states that he 'wrote speeches for six secretaries of state and three presidents, including President Reagan’s speech to the British Parliament in 1982 which led to the establishment of the National Endowment for Democracy. He served as Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for the Soviet Union and Eastern Europe and then U.S. Ambassador to Hungary during what his biography describes as 'the crucial period for bringing down Europe’s communist dictators'[1].

Palmer is President of Capital Development Company LLC, is Vice Chairman of the Board of the Center for Communications, Health and the Environment and also serves on the boards of the International Centre for Democratic Transition, Council for a Community of Democracies, SAIS Johns Hopkins University, Institute for the Study of Diplomacy at Georgetown University, American Academy of Diplomacy and New Tang Dynasty Television. He is also a member of the Secretary of State’s Democracy Advisory Committee[2].



  1. Freedom House Board of Trustees Accessed 15th May 2009
  2. Freedom House Board of Trustees Accessed 15th May 2009