Laurent Murawiec

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Laurent Murawiec (Paris 1951 – Washington, 7 October 2009[1][2]) was a French neoconservative figure,[3] member of the Hudson Institute and of the Committee on the Present Danger,[4] and formerly defence analyst at the RAND Corporation. Murawiec was an associate of Lyndon LaRouche from 1973–1986,[5] and wrote for Larouche's Executive Intelligence Review in the 1980s.[6] He was also an advisor of French politician and former Minister, Jean-Pierre Chevènement[7]

In July 2002, Murawiec gave a presentation regarding Middle East policy for the USA before the Defence Policy Board Advisory Committee. His paper was entitled «Expel Saudis from Arabia», a lecture divided into three parts with the projection of 24 slides.[8] Murawiec argued that "In the Arab world, violence is not a continuation of politics by other means – violence is politics, politics is violence"[9] and calling for an "ultimatum to the House of Saud",[9] ultimately summarising the "Grand strategy for the Middle East" as "Iraq is the tactical pivot, Saudi Arabia the strategic pivot, Egypt the prize".[9] The presentation was made public by Thomas E. Ricks the following month.[10] Murawiec was subsequently expelled from RAND.[3]

Murawiec died of multiple myeloma on 7 October 2009.[2][11]


  • La Guerre au XXIè siècle, Laurent Murawiec, Odile Jacob, 2000
  • L'Esprit des Nations: cultures et géopolitique, Laurent Murawiec, Odile Jacob, 2002
  • La Guerre d'après, Laurent Murawiec, Albin Michel, 2003
    • Princes of Darkness: the Saudi Assault on the West, Laurent Murawiec, Rowman and Littlefield, 2005
  • Vulnerabilities in the Chinese Way of War, Hudson Institute, 2004
  • Aristotle in Cyberspace: Toward a Theory of Information Warfare and The Mind of Jihad, 2005
  • Pandora's Boxes
  • The Mind of Jihad, Laurent Murawiec, Cambridge University Press, 2008. ISBN 978-0-521-88393-1
  • Spring 2000 article "The Wacky World of French Intellectuals" by Laurent Murawiec, Middle East Quarterly




  1. Biography, Hudson Institute
  2. 2.0 2.1 Strategist Caused Stir For Accusing Saudis Of Supporting Terror, Washington Post
  3. 3.0 3.1 Histoire du néoconservatisme aux États-Unis, Julien Vaïsse, Odile Jacob, 2008 (p.269)
  4. Laurent Murawiec on
  5. Raimondo, Justin (2002-10-07) Now Entering Imperium, The American Conservative
  6. Inside the secret war council. 26 August 2002. 
  7. Laurent Murawiec, a short biography in Réseau Voltaire
  8. Thierry Meyssan, The Clash of Civilizations
  9. 9.0 9.1 9.2 The PowerPoint That Rocked the Pentagon The LaRouche defector who's advising the defense establishment on Saudi Arabia, by Jack Shafer, Slate
  10. Briefing Depicted Saudis as Enemies Ultimatum Urged To Pentagon Board, by Thomas E. Ricks, Washington Post, 6 August 2002
  11. Laurent Murawiec est mort, Jean-Dominique Merchet, Libération 9 October 2009 2009
  12. Still listed on the board in 2012 despite having died in 2009: JJRI Qui Sommes Nous - About Us, accessed 8 June 2012