Big Potatoes

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Big Potatoes is associated with the libertarian anti-environmental LM network and is the originator of the pro-growth London Manifesto for Innovation. Big Potatoes began with the launch of this manifesto in early 2010.[1] Big Potatoes describes the Manifesto as "a contribution to improving the climate for innovation globally".[2]

The Manifesto authors are: Nico Macdonald, Alan Patrick, Martyn Perks, Mitchell Sava, James Woudhuysen and Norman Lewis.[3][4][5]

On 27 April 2010, the R&D Society and the authors of BIG POTATOES: The London Manifesto for Innovation, in association with Epoch, organised an eve-of-election event on "innovation and the future of the UK", on the grounds that "Despite its importance to our economic future, innovation has largely been overlooked since the credit crunch and is being largely ignored in the UK General Election."[6]

Speakers were:[7]

Its stated [8] principles are: 01: Think big 02: The post-war legacy 03: Principles not models 04: For useless research 05: Hard work 06: Expect failures 07: Chance and surprise 08: Take risks 09: Leadership 10: Whose responsibility? 11: Trust the people 12: Think/Act Global 13: We know no limits 14: For humanity



  1. Think Big, Big Potatoes website, accessed 31 Oct 2010
  2. Growing BIG POTATOES, Big Potatoes website, acc 30 Apr 2010
  3. About Us, Big Potatoes website, acc 30 Apr 2010
  4. Big Potatoes: The London Manifesto for Innovation, Futures-Diagnosis website, Feb 2 2010, acc 30 April 2010
  5. About, Futures-Diagnosis website, acc 30 Apr 2010
  6. Big Potatoes: Innovation, R&D and the General Election, Futures-Diagnosis website, acc 30 Apr 2010
  7. Big Potatoes: Innovation, R&D and the General Election, Futures-Diagnosis website, acc 30 Apr 2010
  8. "Principles", Big Potatoes website, accessed 9 May 2010