David Pryce-Jones

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David Pryce-Jones is a right-wing British author and commentator. He is the present senior editor of National Review [1]


The following is primarily taken from Pryce-Jones own website[2]:

  • Born in Vienna, 1936.
  • Studied modern history at Magdalen College Oxford. B.A. M.A
  • Married, three children, lives in London
  • Literary editor Financial Times 1959-61
  • Literary editor, The Spectator 1961-63
  • Visiting writer in residence, teaching creative writing, University of Iowa 1964-65
  • Visiting lecturer, California State College at Hayward, 1966 and 1968
  • Visiting professor, University of California at Berkeley, 1970
  • Special correspondent for The Daily Telegraph, 1966-1982.
  • Assignments included Six Day War of 1967, Yom Kippur war of 1973, covering the rise of the PLO; Soviet Union, especially in Central Asia; a series on the Balkans; literary profiles including Auden, Graves, Bellow, Wilfred Thesiger, Jean-Francois Revel.
  • Regular or occasional contributor to The Daily Telegraph, The Times, The Financial Times, Spectator, Times Literary Supplement, Wall Street Journal, The New Republic etc
  • Since June 1999, senior editor of National Review.



  • David Pryce-Jones, "Self-Determination, Arab Style," Commentary, January, 1989, p. 43.[3]
  • Pryce-Jones, David. At war with modernity: Islam's challenge to the West. London: Alliance Publishers for the Institute for European Defence and Strategic Studies, 1992. Series title: Occasional paper, Institute for European Defence & Strategic Studies; 54.[4]
  • Essays in New Criterion September 1996 (republished in The Future of the European Past, Ivan Dee 1997) September 1998, October 1999, December 1999, October 2002, November 2002, January 2003
  • Essays in Commentary June 1997, November 1997, April 1998, July 1999, Agust 2001, September 2001, May 2002, June 2002, September 2002, October 2002
  • National Interest Spring 2002 Partisan Review Fall 1998 no 3, Fall 2002 vol. LXIX no.4
  • Translation from the Arabic of Hittaan bin al-Mualla in Generations (Penguin 1998)
  • Introduction to Agatha Christie's memoir Come, Tell Me How You Live, (Common Reader 2000)
  • Introduction to Islam unveiled, by Robert Spencer (Encounter Books 2002)[5]
  • Betrayal: France, the Arabs, and the Jews, Encounter Books, (ISBN 1594031517), 25 Oct 2006.
Abstract:David Pryce-Jones believes that France has done more damage to the Middle East than any other country, backing Yasser Arafat and the Palestinian cause, supporting Saddam Hussein, giving safe harbor to the Ayatollah Khomeini. One aim of these policies was to sponsor the Arabs’ belief that they could be incorporated into a Franco-Arab power bloc that might one day rival the United States. Simultaneously, France encouraged the mass immigration of Arabs. A huge and growing minority in this country now believes that they have rights and claims which have not been met. This minority also believes that Israel should not exist. Middle East geo-politics are spreading from French soil to an increasingly Islamized Europe [6]

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  1. David Pryce-Jones, A Bullied Bulldog, National Review, 17-July-2006, Accessed 23-April-2009
  2. www.davidpryce-jones.com, Personal Website, Accessed 23-April-2009
  3. David Pryce-Jones, "Self-Determination, Arab Style,", Commentary, January, 1989, p. 43.
  4. Berkley University, Moral Economy of Islam: Institute of International Studies; University of California, Berkeley, Bibliographies, Accessed 23-April-2009
  5. www.davidpryce-jones.com, Personal Website, Accessed 23-April-2009
  6. Encounter Books, Overview of Betrayal France, the Arabs and the Jews, Accessed 23-April-2009