E.G. West Centre
The E.G. West Centre is based in the School of Education, Communication, and Language Sciences, Newcastle University. The Centre was established in March 2002 and is dedicated to "understanding the role of choice, competition and entrepreneurship" in the delivery of "Education for All".[1] The centre is part of the Stockholm Network of market oriented think tanks. It is listed as forming part of the network in May 2010.[2]
Stockholm Network
As of May 2010 the E.G. West Centre is listed as being part of the Stockholm Network.[3] The Centre was also listed as a member in the Stockholm Network's accounts between 2005 and 2008.[4][5][6] James Stanfield of the EG West Centre describes their role within the Stockholm Network:
- Yes I think we are still a member of the Stockholm Network, although as they don't focus much on educational issues, our input and involvement has been zero. We joined in about 2003 I think, just after the E.G. West Centre was set up to help increase our profile across Europe. We did start off by having an international advisory council of like minded scholars and academics from around the world, but they soon became redundant and so we know longer have one. [7]
James Tooley attended a Heritage Foundation event entitled 'Resource Bank 2004' in 2004 on behalf of the E.G. West Centre. The subject was 'Social Entrepreneurship: Building Constituencies for Limited Government'.[8]
Professor James Tooley, Director | Dr Pauline Dixon, Director of Research | Professor Sugata Mitra | James Stanfield | Dr Barrie Craven, visiting scholar[9]
Heritage Foundation | Stockholm Network
Academic articles
- The relative quality and cost-effectiveness of private and public schools for low-income families: a case study in a developing country (pdf) .Tooley J; Dixon P; Shamsan Y; Schagen I. School Effectiveness and School Improvement 2009, in press.
- Further commentary on the OECD review of the quality and equity of schooling in Scotland (pdf), Stanfield, J. (2009) Scottish Educational Review, 41 (1), 98-103.
- Remote Presence: Technologies for 'Beaming' Teachers where They Cannot Go (pdf), Mitra, S. (2009) Journal of Emerging Technologies in Web Intelligence, Volume 1, No. 1, pp. 55-59
- The Impact of Free Education in Kenya: A case study in private schools in Kibera (pdf), Tooley, J., Dixon, P., and Stanfield, J. (2008) Educational Management, Administration and Leadership, Volume 36, No 4, pp. 449-469
- Private schooling for low-income families: A census and comparative survey in East Delhi, India (pdf) , Tooley, J., and Dixon, P. (2007) International Journal of Educational Development, volume 27, no. 2, pp. 205-219.
- Private Schools and the Millennium Development Goal of Universal Primary Education: A census and comparative survey in Hyderabad, India, in Hyderabad, India (pdf) . Tooley, James, Dixon, Pauline and Gomathi, S.V., (2007) Oxford Review of Education 33(5), 539-560.
- Could for-profit private education benefit the poor? Some a priori considerations arising from case study research in India. Tooley, James. Journal of Education Policy 2007, 22(3), 321-342.
- Private and Public Schooling in Ga, Ghana: A census and comparative survey (pdf) .Tooley, James, Dixon, Pauline and Amuah, Isaac (2007)International Review of Education 53(3–4): 389-415.
- From Adam Swift to Adam Smith: How the 'Invisible Hand' Overcomes Middle Class Hypocrisy (pdf) . Tooley J. Journal of Philosophy of Education 2007, 41(4), 727-741.
- Private Schools for the Poor in Gansu Province, China. Tooley, J, Qiang, L, and Dixon, P. Journal of Comparative Education Research 2007.
- De Facto’ Privatisation of Education and the Poor: Implications of a Study from sub-Saharan Africa and India (pdf), Tooley, J. and Dixon, P. (2006) Compare 36(4), 443-462
- Private and Public Schooling in Low-Income Areas of Lagos State, Nigeria: A Census and Comparative Survey.Tooley, J., P. Dixon, and O. Olaniyan. 2005. International Journal of Educational Research 43(3): 125–46.
- The Regulation of Private schools serving Low-income families in Andhra Pradesh, India, Dixon, P., and Tooley, J., (2005) Review of Austrian Economics, volume 18 no.1, March, pp. 29-54
- An Inspector Calls: the regulation of ‘budget’ private schools in Hyderabad, Andhra Pradesh, India (pdf), Tooley, James and Dixon, Pauline (2005) International Journal of Educational Development. 25, 269-285
- Self organizing systems for mass computer literacy: Findings from the “hole in the wall” experiments. Mitra, Sugata (2005) International Journal of Development Issues 2005, Vol. 4(1), 71-81.
- Acquisition of computer literacy on shared public computers: Children and the “Hole in the wall”. Mitra, Sugata, Ritu Dangwal, Shiffon Chatterjee, Swati Jha, Ravinder S. Bisht and Preeti Kapur (2005)Australasian Journal of Educational Technology 2005, 21(3), 407-426.
- Is there a conflict between ‘commercial gain and a concern for the poor?’: Evidence from private schools for the poor in India and Nigeria. Tooley, J. and Dixon, P.Economic Affairs 2005, June, 20-26.
- Classroom interaction and discourse in private scools serving low income families in Hyderabad, India. Smith, F, Hardman, F, and Tooley, J. International Education Journal 2005, 6(5), 607-618.
- Management of private-aided higher education in Karnataka, India: lessons from an enduring public-private partnership. Tooley, J. Educational Management, Administration and Leadership 2005, 33(4), 465-486.
- Private Schools for the Poor. Tooley, J. Education Next: A Journal of Opinion and Research 2005, 5(4), 22-32.
- Why Harry Brighouse is Nearly Right about the Privatisation of Education (pdf). Tooley, J. (2003) Journal of Philosophy of Education 2003, 37(3), 427-447.
- Improving English Pronunciation: An automated instructional approach (pdf) , Mitra, Sugata, Tooley, James, Inamdar, Parimala, and Dixon, Pauline, (2003), Information Technologies and International Development, 1.1.75-84
- The Quality of Educational Research: A perspective from Great Britain.Tooley,J. Peabody Journal of Education 2001, 76(3 & 4), 122-140.
- On school choice and social class : a response to Ball, Bowe and Gewirtz. Tooley JN. British Journal of Sociology of Education, 18(2) 217-230 1997.
Think tank books, reports and articles
- The Broken University - What is seen and what is not seen in the UK higher education sector (pdf). Stanfield, J, Adam Smith Institute, London 2010.
- The Beautiful Tree: A personal journey into how the world's poorest people are educating themselves. Tooley J.Washington, DC: CATO Institute, 2009.
- From Universal to Targeted Vouchers: The Relevance of The Friedmans' Proposals for Developing Countries. Tooley, J. In: Enlow, R, and Ealy, L, ed. Liberty and Learning: Milton Friedman's Voucher Idea at Fifty. Chicago: CATO Press, 2007.
- The Right to Choose? Yes, Prime Minister! Stanfield, James, Adam Smith Institute, 2006.
- The Failures of State Schooling in Developing Countries and the People’s Response, Tooley, James and Dixon, Pauline, (2006), in Miles, M., Homes, K.R., and O’Grady, M.A. (eds), 2006 Index of Economic Freedom, Chapter 2, 27-37, The Heritage Foundation and Wall Street Journal, Washington DC.
- Backing the Wrong Horse: How Private Schools are Good for the Poor. Tooley, J. The Freeman 2006, May, 8-13.
- Private education is good for the poor: A study of private schools serving the poor in low-income countries, Tooley, James, and Dixon, Pauline (2005) Washington DC: Cato Institute. (Translated into Spanish, 2006, published in Peru and Guatemala).
- Educating Amaretch: Private Schools for the Poor and the New Frontier for Investors, Tooley, J. (2006) in "Business and Development: The Private Path to Prosperity, pp. 4-15, IFC/World Bank, Washington DC.
- Private Schools Serving the Poor: A study from Delih, India. Tooley, J, and Dixon, P. New Delhi: Centre for Civil Society, 2005.
- Private Education for the Poor: Lessons for America?. In: Salisbury, David; Tooley, James, ed. What Americans Can Learn from School Choice in Other Countries. Washington DC: Cato Institute, 2005.
- What Americans Can Learn from School Choice in Other Countries. Salisbury, David; Tooley, James. Washington DC: Cato Institute, 2005.
- Private education and “education for all". Tooley, J. Economic Affairs 2004, 24(4), 4-8.
- Government Failure: E.G. West on Education. Tooley, J,and Stanfield, J, (eds). London: Institute of Economic Affairs, 2003.
- Delivering Better Education: market solutions to education, Tooley, James, Dixon, Pauline and Stanfield, James (2003) London, Adam Smith Institute.
- The global education industry. Tooley, J. In: Warburton, Peter. (Ed.), ed. IEA Yearbook of Government Performance, 2002/03. London: Profile Books, 2002.
- Education in the Voluntary City. Tooley, J. n: Beito, D. T, Gordon, P, and Tabarrok, A, ed. The Voluntary City: Choice, community and civil society. Ann Arbor: The University of Michigan Press, 2002.
- The global education industry : lessons from private education in developing countries. Tooley JN. Institute of Economic Affairs in association with International Finance Corporation, 136 1999.
- The Hole in the Wall Gang (May 2009) Reader's Digest
Books and chapters in books
- E.G. West: Economic Liberalism and the Role of Government in Education. Tooley J. London: Continuum, 2008.
- Private Education for Low Income Families: Research from a Global Research Project. Tooley, J, and Dixon, P. In: Srivastava, P, and Walford, G, ed. Private Schooling in Less Economically Developed Countries: Asian and African Perspectives. Didcot, UK: Symposium Books, 2007.
- Education Reclaimed. Tooley, James, In: Booth, Philip, ed. Towards a Liberal Utopia?. London: Profile Books, 2005.
- Could the Globalisation of Education Benefit the Poor?. Tooley, James. Shanghai, China: Cathay Institute for Public Affairs, 2005.
- Market Solutions for British Education. Tooley, J, and Stanfield, J. In: Subroto Roy and John Clarke, ed. Margaret Thatcher's Achievement: How it Happened and What it Meant. London and New York: Continuum Books, 2005.
- Providing Education to the World's poor: A case study of the private sector in India. Tooley, J, Dixon, P. In: The Handbook of Educational Leadership and Management. London: Pearson Education, 2003.
- The role of the state in education. Tooley, J. In: Guthrie, J.W, ed. Encyclopedia of Education, Second Edition. New York: Macmillan USA, 2003.
- Private schools for the poor: A case study from India. Tooley, J, Dixon, P. Reading: CfBT, 2002.
- Reclaiming Education. Tooley, J. In: 2000-2001: Scientific Translations and Research. Kiev: Translators' Workshop, 2002.
- E.G. West Centre
- School of Education
- Newcastle University Newcastle, NE1 7RU.
- j.stanfield@ncl.ac.uk
- 0191 222 3503
- 07966 865 860
- ↑ EG West Centre, E.G. West Centre Homepage, E.G. West, Accessed 06-May-2010
- ↑ E.G. West Centre, Think Tank Details, The Stockholm Network, Accessed 09-May-2010
- ↑ E.G. West Centre, Think Tank Details, The Stockholm Network, Accessed 09-May-2010
- ↑ Stockholm Network, Annual Report 2005-06, ISSU, Accessed 20-April-2010
- ↑ Stockholm Network, Annual Report 2006-07, ISSU, Accessed 20-April-2010
- ↑ Stockholm Network, Annual Report 2007-08, ISSU, Accessed 20-April-2010
- ↑ James Stanfield, [RE:Stockholm Network ], E.G. West Centre, E-mail from James Stanfield of the E.G. West Centre to Steven Harkins 10-May-2010, 9:26am
- ↑ James Tooley, 27TH ANNUAL RESOURCE BANK MEETING APRIL 29-30, 2004 - CHICAGO, ILLINOIS, Heritage Foundation, 29-April-2004, Accessed 08-May-2010
- ↑ EG West Centre, E.G. West Centre About Us, E.G. West, Accessed 06-May-2010