Chris Renton

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Chris Renton is an individual linked to the British National Party and the English Defence League (EDL).

According to a Guardian report on the English Defence League:

The movement has been so fragmented that Robinson set up a website to drum up interest in March, while Chris Renton, listed as an "activist" on the BNP's leaked membership list, set up another EDL site.[1]

The Guardian reports that Paul Ray criticised Renton on his blog ahead of the EDL demonstration in Birmingham on 8 August 2009:

The English Defence League that was originally built over many months and eventually set up by myself and others, was hijacked over the last couple of weeks leading up to tomorrow by a bunch of 'pirates' led by Chris Renton.[2]



  1. Robert Booth, Matthew Taylor and Paul Lewis, English Defence League: chaotic alliance stirs up trouble on streets, The guardian, 12 September 2007.
  2. Robert Booth, Matthew Taylor and Paul Lewis, English Defence League: chaotic alliance stirs up trouble on streets, The guardian, 12 September 2007.
  3. Paul Bracchi And Tim Stewart, "Special Investigation: English Defence League and the hooligans spreading hate on the High Street", Daily Mail, 13 December 2010