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*[[Confidential Intelligence Unit]]
*[[Confidential Intelligence Unit]]

Revision as of 19:38, 11 February 2009

The National Public Order Intelligence Unit (NPOIU) is one of a number of national policing units overseen by the National Co-ordinator for Domestic Extremism.

The NETCU website describes its role as follows:

NPOIU supports the police service throughout the UK to maintain a strategic overview of public order issues, including domestic extremism and the activities of animal rights extremists.
The unit liaises with Special Branch teams within police forces in bringing together intelligence that helps to protect the public from domestic extremism and other national security threats.[1]


The NPOIU was set up in March 1999 to track green activists and public demonstrations. It incorporated the Animal Rights National Index.[2]




  1. National Policing Units, National Extremism Tactical Co-Ordination Unit, accessed 11 February 2009 via the Internet Archive.
  2. Secret State: Timeline, Programmes: True Spies, BBC News, 17 October 2002.