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[[Category:Counterjihad]][[Category:Germany]][[Category:Islam Critics]]
[[Category:SION Network]]
[[Category:Islam Critics]]

Revision as of 11:59, 27 February 2015

SIOE Deutschland is the German variant of the Stop Islamisation of Europe network, itself part of Stop Islamization of Nations.


According to research carried out in 2011 by the British group Hope Not Hate it was 'almost exclusively a website presence with little evidence of members or public activity'. As of January 2015 its website had not been updated since October 2012.[1]


The group has reportedly lauded anti-Muslim author Thilo Sarrazin as 'a hero' and supported a call by 'journalist and Islamophobe Michael Mannheimer that the anti-fascist movement should be "smashed".'[2]



Website: sioede.wordpress.com


  1. https://sioede.wordpress.com/, accessed 29 January 2015
  2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 Hope Not Hate, SIOE Deutschland, Counterjihad Movement: Germany, acessed 29 January 2015