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George Denholm was a Superintendent with Lothian and Borders Police and coordinator of the SPVEU, along with Nick Croft. George Denholm ‘has 25 years police service…and has worked in a variety of uniform operation roles’ including being head of the Lothian and Borders Police force Diversity Unit, where he held the ACPOS LGBT (Lesbian-Gay-Bisexual-Transgender) portfolio.[1]

In 2007, George Denholm was seconded to Her Majesty’s Inspectorate of Constabulary for Scotland (HMICS) by the Equalities Unit of the Scottish Government to review the Scottish public sector response to Prevent. Denholm worked jointly on reviewing Prevent with Nick Croft. [2]

George Denholm is currently ‘a staff officer within HMICS’. [3]


  1. The Second SIPR Annual Conference & Annual Lecture: Policing Scotland in a European Context: Programmes & Abstracts, 2 September 2008, The Scottish Institute for Policing Research, accessed 20 February 2010 – p. 15
  2. The Second SIPR Annual Conference & Annual Lecture: Policing Scotland in a European Context: Programmes & Abstracts, 2 September 2008, The Scottish Institute for Policing Research, accessed 20 February 2010 – p. 15
  3. The Second SIPR Annual Conference & Annual Lecture: Policing Scotland in a European Context: Programmes & Abstracts, 2 September 2008, The Scottish Institute for Policing Research, accessed 20 February 2010 – p. 15