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[[category:Terrorlogist|Singh, Rashimi]]
[[category:Terrorologist|Singh, Rashimi]]

Revision as of 20:22, 7 December 2008

Dr. Rashimi R. Singh is a Fellow at the Centre for the Study of Terrorism and Political Violence at the University of St. Andrews where she works on the Metrics of CT. [1]

She holds degrees in History from universities in New Delhi and a PhD from the Department of International Relations, at the London School of Economics. Since 2003 she has been Business Manager of the Millennium Journal of International Studies. [2]

She did fieldwork in Israel/Palestine and wrote, among other things, on suicide bombings and Hamas. Her interests range from the ethics of war and political violence to IR theory and the role of culture and religion. [3]

Her first book Hamas and Suicide Terrorism: Multi-causal and Multi-level Approaches is due to be published by Routledge in June 2009. (Routledge is owned by Informa Group who partner with CSTPV).


  1. Screengrab Rashimi Singh's Biograhy on the CSTPV website. Created at 20:07 on 7 December 2008
  2. Screengrab Rashimi Singh's Biograhy on the CSTPV website. Created at 20:07 on 7 December 2008
  3. Screengrab Rashimi Singh's Biograhy on the CSTPV website. Created at 20:07 on 7 December 2008